Favorable promotions and discounts• Finding out about new offers has become more convenientBarcode Scanner• Scan products while in the store and get up-to-date informationCoupons• Shop at Hippo and Belmarket stores and get special discounts one-coupons from the appShopping online• choose goods, place an order and use the delivery of products, as well as self-delivery points of the GIPPO network.Map of Asobay and Chameleon• Get a card for free right in the app• The current balance of your cards• Track completed purchases and savings on loyalty cards throughpurchase history and electronic checksStore map• Find the Hippo and BelMarket store closest to you, find out about the timework and availability of useful servicesShopping list• Make a list of necessary goods and products• Share the list with family and friends• Edit it collaboratively on any device